Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Valley of the Shadow of...

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of cows, I will fear no evil, for you are with me."

Wait, what? Where does this come from?

That's exactly what I thought at first, too, as I was walking in an open field with cows EVERYWHERE and silently praying to God to look down and push them out of MY WAY (I do have this kind of love-hate relationship with cows... I love milk, but I don't really like cows. They're too big and intrusive).

So this sentence came to my mind as I was walking by two cows (they were very close).

...Then I got it. Right! A sort of twisted Psalm 23.

Ooooh I love His humour!!! He just knows how to make me laugh!

What is your Valley today? What are your fears? Whether they're small like spiders or big as cows,  nothing is too dangerous to the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

He just pushes them out of your way :)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Instruct the watchmen

Create a wall around my heart.
Protect it from the lies.

Instruct the watchmen to recognize the danger before it penetrates into the castle of my heart, in the form of a charming, well-dressed prince.

Instruct the watchmen to recognize Your Goodness, the King traveling undercover, dressed in rags, riding a donkey.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


The Lord provides every day, enough for this day.      (Ex. 16)

The one who doesn't trust in His provision, but lays up treasures for himself (not being rich towards God) is bound for short-coming.     (Lk. 12:18-21)

The one who trusts in the provision of the Lord lays up treasures in heaven - nothing will ever cause them to wither.    (Mt. 6:19-21)

ONE THING is necessary - and this will not be taken away by those who find their portion in God.   (Lk. 10:38-41)

The Promise made to those who express their anxieties and thoughts to the LORD in the form of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving is the PEACE OF GOD, who surpasses all knowledge and understanding, guarding the heart and the mind.       (Phil. 4:6-7)


the Peace of God, will guard our hearts and minds. Trust Him for what you need today. He knows.

Back To The Roots

I'm back! Again.

3 years is a long time, but I have been thinking quite a while now that it would be nice to take some time to share my thoughts with the world... Also because by writing and expressing myself I feel like I can get some order in my busy mind ;)

Thoughts, passions, dreams, stories and so on. Welcome back to my dandelions' garden. I hope you can pick something out of it.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3 months. Dandelion number 24

Oh je. Haven't been posting in a while now. TOO BUSY!! (..or lazy hehe)

There's actually a great deal of things that happened during these (gosh!) 3 months.
So many things...
Where shall I start?

December: My brother Robin and I went to Lucerne for a whole day and had heeeaps of fun (and when I say it, I mean it!). That boy is unpredictable: he's able of behaving just normally a moment, and then the next minute he's assaulting a so-he-thinks-pirateship, or making weird grimaces in front of people, or trying to look cool doing some parcour on trees, benches, streets, gulls, pigeons, and (guess what?) SISTERS.

Check out the video:

January: Got the chance to share my faith with other young people on a TV program called LineaRossa. It was definitely challenging! ...and I think that from that moment on, I am labelled as the Jesus-freak-one. No problem with that!

February: uhmm... Dunno. Mum's birthday on the 3th of february. Shitty physics test on the 27th. Oh yeah: Jaun. An inspiring week filled with fun, friends, challenges (it was my first year as a snowboard teacher -not that there's much that I can teach the kids, especially the older ones, who are my age, if not older than me. Quite embarassing when it comes to show them things which I myself can't do.. such as 360-backflip-jumps. Just kidding! ...but seriously.), aaand fun (did I say that already?).

March: Amos' birthday on the first of March. Went to Zurich on the 4th with him, as a bday gift. Video coming soon (work in progress). 19th-23th March: Super-relaxing week. No school on the 19th. 3 hours lunch-break today. Starting at 10 am, and finishing at 12.30 tomorrow. Friday the 23th, no school again, due to absent teacher (not complaining though).

Well, that was it. 3 months summarized in 3 paragraphs.

Oh, and I fell in love with the immature, 30-year-old, super funny and genius youtube star Wheezy Waiter. Main cause of my procrastination hours. I should hate him for that, but how can I? I love him, or better, I brain him (

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Vi presento Amos. Dandelion number 23

Vi presento Amos (da un suo tema per la scuola):

Mi chiamo Amos, abito a Caslano, frequento la scuola elementare (a Caslano) e vado in quinta B. Ho degli occhi che cambiano colore ogni 6 mesi circa, e momentaneamente sono verde-azzurro.
Ho le orecchie a sventola, sono biondo con i capelli corti, e secondo mia sorella ho un naso carino. Ho un carattere abbastanza socievole ma anche un po' testardo.
Ho come passione il bascket e il canto, mi piace molto costruire.
Il mio sogno è di diventare elettronico-cantante, UNO perché mi piace costruire di tutto, e la prima volta che ho visto un robot mi sono "innamorato". Due perché canto ovunque: in bagno, in canoa, mentre sto leggendo...
Invece ho paura di film di guerra, e non ho mai voglia di uscire con Orfeo, il mio cane, però gli voglio bene!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mistakes. Dandelion number 22

My today's Dandelion is going to be a little bit random. Maybe. I don't know.

Sitting, waiting, wishing, says a song.
I spent a lot of time doing that. Especially for people not deserving it.
Sitting: maybe under a tree, on a chair, in my bed, sometimes not even physically sitting. Spiritually sitting ...
...waiting for something to happen. That's the hardest part. Waiting while...
...wishing. Hoping that person comes back. And yes, that person does, though he comes into your mind, takes your soul and thinking, blinding you. Making you lose the perspective. Nice, thank you.

Sitting. Waiting. Wishing.

And then you realize how foolish that was. How stupid you are. How much time and effort you have wasted because of that person. And you laugh. Oh yes, you laugh. Why have I done that? It was so ridiculous. And you understand many things. Haha. Yes, that's funny.

Making myself ridiculous. Making mistakes. "This is the last time, it won't happen again". Haha. Yes. That's right.
It won't happen again.