Wednesday, May 27, 2015


The Lord provides every day, enough for this day.      (Ex. 16)

The one who doesn't trust in His provision, but lays up treasures for himself (not being rich towards God) is bound for short-coming.     (Lk. 12:18-21)

The one who trusts in the provision of the Lord lays up treasures in heaven - nothing will ever cause them to wither.    (Mt. 6:19-21)

ONE THING is necessary - and this will not be taken away by those who find their portion in God.   (Lk. 10:38-41)

The Promise made to those who express their anxieties and thoughts to the LORD in the form of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving is the PEACE OF GOD, who surpasses all knowledge and understanding, guarding the heart and the mind.       (Phil. 4:6-7)


the Peace of God, will guard our hearts and minds. Trust Him for what you need today. He knows.

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